
I received my PhD at Cornell University in 2023. My dissertation titled Differential Subject Marking in Kazakh investigated the syntactic underpinnings of variable subject case marking in embedded clauses.

Originally from Szeged, Hungary, I studied Turkic languages (Turkish and Kazakh), diachronic linguistics, and philology in the Department of Altaic Studies at the University of Szeged. It was here, where I earned my first PhD in Altaic Studies in 2016.

My work on understudied Turkic languages such as Kazakh and Kyrgyz aims at contributing to our understanding of syntactic and morphological questions. Broadly speaking, I am interested in questions such as introduction of arguments in the verbal structure, pluractionality, reciprocals, causatives; the syntax of nominalized clauses, hyperraising, and the structure of relative clauses.

This is my CV.

Contact: eo264@cornell.edu